Design Brief
The objective was to design an experimental apparatus that could maintain a tooth or material sample at body temperature while all surfaces of the sample and thermocouple were moisture free.
Component Design
The central section, the largest part of the lateral water bath assembly is illustrated below. This was designed in CAD CAM software.
Rendered Sample
The model can also be rendered for inclusion in multimedia presentations and promotional material.
Final Assembly
Teardown of all components ready for final assembly. Also illustrated, the sample slide and water inputs/outputs. Water is maintained at body temperature in a larger holding tank then pumped through the auxiliary tank. The benefit of this design is that materials may be delivered with gravity into the sample well.
Supply Tank Adv
The advantage of the supply tank is a constant supply of water at the set temperature, its disadvantage is the extra equipment required for assembly and setting up time.
In Operation
The upright version of the 'dry sample' water bath can be seen in operation. The sample is maintained at body temperature for accurate measurement of any temperature changes replicating in vivo conditions.
Initial Concept
Two versions were designed, the first with the sample slide inserted vertically, the second horizontally. Due to the constraints of 3D printing, the lateral water bath was produced in several components that would be assembled later.
Final Details
Final adjustments to the design are made to factor in manufacturing tolerances to ensure that the components fit correctly.
Finished Component
The finished component after 3D printing, awaiting final assembly.
Finished Apparatus
The finished components after 3D printing, awaiting final assembly. The components are bonding together using adhesive.
Supply Tank Set Up
The supply tank consists of a water tank, a thermostatically controlled water heater together with a water pump that circulates the heated water around a circuit including the test equipment.
Simple Operation
The upright version uses a simple passive water bath where the water is interchanged manually with a large syringe. This functions in its most basic form even without header tank / water heater / pump.